NetValue has php installed on our Linux servers.
We support most common php modules including:
- BCMath
- Calendar
- ctype
- GD
- FreeType
- Modern image formats
- General email
- mcrypt
- Databases, including MySQL and Postgresql
- User-Space Object Overloading Support
- PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support
- posix
- Session
- Sockets
- Tokenizer
- ZLib
Common PHP ussues
Premature end of script
What this error actually means is that the script stopped (for whatever reason) before it returned any output to the web server. This results in a 500 Internal Server Error. The first thing you should do to resolve this problem is to check your file permissions. Scripts should generally have permissions of 755.
If using an FTP client, make sure the script was uploaded using Binary mode.
Check also that your script isn’t actually throwing fatal errors; these, in combination with some .htaccess redirect magic, may cause Apache to throw an error 500 instead of showing the output of the script. If you think this might be happening to you, try renaming your .htaccess files to backup.htaccess and then accessing the script directly to see the real error.
Not enough process memory
Php scripts may stop and error if they uses too much memory or take too long to execute. Please let us know if you have tried all the above and are still having problems.